Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Was about to sign off and sleep when I suddenly get so caught up of catching up with everyone from high school while browsing through blogs to see if there's anyone familiar. After having a conversation with one of my senior, it is almost impossible for me to face the reality. Grown ups?
Nah, not really. The reality of all of us separated into different colleges and getting into the work force is really, really hard for me to absorbed. All the sweet memories of us during high school years was almost as if it happened yesterday. Basketball matches, canteen days, teacher's day, performance-everything that we been through, seniors or juniors is one huge memory that I will never ever let go. Doing the silliest and craziest stuff that we did, brings a sort of happiness that one could imagine. Eventhough the memory include us cleaning up the school for 'gotong-royong' or even those arguments that we had. How I really, really wish that we were still in where we used to be. But reality check? Everyone had to move on. But despite anything that comes in the future, I will always remember and cherish every single memory I had. Eventhough, it is just through pictures.

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