Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twin or Alter-Ego?

We are all in that category. Masks put on everyday-smiling to the person you claimed you hate the most, walking away from your best friend (who was labelled as NERD) just to fit in, and holding branded stuff from top to bottom for acknowledgement. Familiar huh? Well yeah, that is what we are, even myself.

In my naive days, I always think that everyone is who they are. Everyone is sincere when they smile at you and say 'Hello'. When a person is bad, a person is bad and vice verse. No one in this world (in my world, at least) is pretentious. I am happy with who I am and always had the idea of as long as I am true to myself and others, then I am fine. But as I grow up, the world that I live in seems to be invaded. I see a lot of pretentious people. People that claim they are your friends but yet does things that hurt you. People that hate you turn out to be the person that helps you during bad times. "Everyone put on a mask everyday to face different people in different situation", that is what my sister told me. Now, I totally agree with her. We are all actors on a stage. Actors that have to be in different roles at given times. I am an actor myself, an actor that needs to put on my mask everyday, without being able to choose my own stage.

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