Do you have a dog at home?
Ever experience the whole thing of ur parents...I meant ur dad especially...
Gives different treatment towards ur dog and you?
If yes, then welcome to the club!!
Have a pet dog at home...Maxwell
The naughtiest one in the house
Even I, whose named as brat of the house is not as mischevious as him
I think the name Brat can't really define his baka behaviour
He barks like mad even if I was late for 5 minutes during his dinner time
He thinks that he is a ballerina...when he weighs like 10++ kg (which is big for a dog)
I suspect that he is gay or perhaps he is just a super sensitive dog...
He loves beeeaauuuttiiifffuuull butterfly
He chase them and play with them while rolling over
Probably thinks that he is some movie star filming a 'romantic' scene in the meadow (If you watch Twilight, you will know what I mean)
He thinks that cats are his friends
He is a confused dog.
Anyways, thats the brief history of Maxwell Ash
My main story today is...the inequality of treatment
This is what my dad says when he comes back:
*To Maxwell:
Hello are you?
Eat dinner already?
Eat dinner already?
Today got naughty not?
Then he turns to my direction
Shin ahh...take in the clothes!!!
Now, you see the difference??